Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Media Diary - Week 15 - Tuesday 12th February 2013

Week 15

Tuesday 12th February

This week we concentrated on creating our own blog. I copied my work from this media diary and uploaded it onto the blog post by post (week by week).

Media Diary - Week 14 - Tuesday 5th February 2013

Week 14

Tuesday 5th February

Today we filmed several parts of our media piece.

Media Diary - Week 13 - Tuesday 29th January 2013

Week 13

Tuesday 29th January

This lesson we decided when we were going to start filming, what props we needed for our film and where we would be filming.

Media Diary - Week 12 - Tuesday 22nd January 2013

Week 12

Tuesday 22nd January

This week we finished off our Media Diary on the Macs. Making sure everything was up to date and we also finished off our storyboards in our groups and added notes for sound effects camera shots and lighting etc.

Media Diary - Week 11 - Tuesday 15th January 2013

Week 11

Tuesday 15th January

This week we are working in our groups to work on the ideas we had come up with the week previous so what are our intentions for the sequence we have to make. Including the genre we had decided on a spy mystery.
What sort of camera angles and shots to use, the character in general, what they’ll be wearing and so on. If they have a accent or a different language, we have also started our final idea for our storyboard so breaking down the scenes to see how long each scene will be and making sure it will be between 1 minute 30 seconds and 2 minutes.

Media Diary - Week 10 - Tuesday 8th January 2013

Week 10

Tuesday 8th January

This week we worked in small groups to create a storyboard for a two minute opening to a film. We had to choose a choice of genre, what sort of characters are included the layout of the setting music camera angles shot etc. we did this by using our knowledge from previous lessons to be able to create this piece.

Media Diary - Week 9 - Tuesday 18th December 2012

Week 9

Tuesday 18th December

This week we watched the film “Black Christmas” we watched the first 5 minutes and had to figure out what genre the film was, where it was set and what time period etc and how they give us the sense of genre wit the lights sounds and camera shots used.